
Chewy Rice Noodles in Hoisin Sesame Sauce

These are thick and chewy rice noodles coated in a slightly sweet, savoury, and actually satisfying hoisin sesame sauce.

Mix information technology all up and slurp away!

You'll only need one pot, 1 bowl, 8 Ingredients, and 15 minutes (or less) to brand this dish.

This has hands become a staple weekday meal for this decorated days since it's so easy to put together. These noodles can also be made gluten-free by using gluten-free hoisin sauce.


Here'due south what you'll need to put together in 1 bowl!

  • 2 tbsp hoisin sauce (use gluten-gratis hoisin sauce if needed)
  • 1 tbsp Chinese sesame paste
  • ii tbsp warm water
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup or other sweetener
  • one clove garlic, minced
  • i tsp sesame seeds

As for the sesame paste:

I utilise Chinese sesame paste or roasted sesame paste, which is fabricated with roasted white sesame seeds, giving it that overnice dark-brown colour and more than robust flavour.

This is unlike from tahini as tahini is made with raw white sesame seeds, that accept a nuttier flavour.

I wouldn't recommend using tahini for this recipe as information technology can completely overpower the sauce.

Substitute for the Chinese Sesame Paste

  • i/ii tbsp toasted sesame seeds
  • 1/two tbsp plain peanut butter
  • ane tsp toasted sesame oil

What to do:

  • Grind the toasted sesame seeds with a mortar and pestle until crushed earlier mixing in the peanut butter and sesame oil until smooth.

Note: it'south of import that you accept the sauce fix before cooking the noodles since you'll want to immediately add together in the freshly cooked noodles to the sauce right afterward cooking!


Dry rice noodles

I used 10mm thick rice noodle or rice stick (on the right in the photo below) simply you can opt to use any blazon of noodles you have, really!

Fresh rice noodles

If you have access to fresh rice noodles, then that would be really amazing as well!

You can also check out bootleg fresh rice noodle recipe here .

Other noodles

As an culling, I tin also recommend using wheat noodles for this recipe but I would really recommend rice noodles for their texture.


After preparing the sauce, you lot'll need to melt the veggies (if using) and the noodles!

In the aforementioned pot and water, add in the noodles.

Cook the noodles until chewy then drain it from the liquid.

Afterwards, just dump the noodles in the bowl of sauce!

Lastly, mix everything together to really coat the rice noodles well in the hoisin sesame sauce!

TA-DA! Check out these super piece of cake hoisin sesame rice noods ?

Optional toppings and condiments:

If y'all cooked some veggies, add that with your noodles, too! And then you tin can also add some chili sauce of selection and some soy sauce (if you'd similar a fiddling chip of saltiness) to your noodles.

I also topped my bowl with some chopped scallions.

Enjoy your noodles!!

You can find the full recipe for these really piece of cake and satisfying noodles below.

You can also cheque out my other vegan noodle recipes:

[mv_video doNotAutoplayNorOptimizePlacement="false" doNotOptimizePlacement="faux" jsonLd="truthful" key="rdwdpygtvktddsuq0blb" ratio="xvi:9″ thumbnail="" title="Vegan Jjajangmyeon (Noodles in Blackness Bean Sauce)" volume="70″]

  • Thai Drunken Noodles (Pad Kee Mao)
  • Easy Spicy Miso Noodles
  • Ginger and Scallion Noodles
  • Chili Garlic Oil Noodles
  • Mie Goreng (Indonesian Fried Noodles)
  • Chili Garlic and Black Edible bean Eggplant Noodles
  • Easy Sweet, Spicy, and Saucy Noodles
  • Stir-Fried Tofu and Basil Noodles
  • Tantanmen (Vegan Ramen)
  • Yaki Udon
  • Chinese-Style Bolognese
  • Kimchi Noodle Soup with Dumplings
  • Kimchi Noodle Stir-Fry

Are you looking for more than delicious, vegan recipes?

Check out my latest Vegan Kitchen eBook, that has over 95 recipes (and a whole section for Asian recipes!) that are packed with flavour and made with simple and easily attainable ingredients! Also, two copse (instead of one!) volition be planted for every download of my eBook through not-profit organisation One Tree Planted.

Chewy Rice Noodles in Hoisin Sesame Sauce

Thick and chewy rice noodles coated in a slightly sugariness, savoury, and really satisfying hoisin sesame sauce. Mix information technology all upwards and slurp away! You'll only need i pot, 1 bowl, 8 Ingredients, and xv minutes (or less) to make this dish.

This has easily become a staple weekday meal for this busy days since information technology'southward so like shooting fish in a barrel to put together. These noodles can as well be fabricated gluten-gratis by using gluten-free hoisin sauce.

Prep Time 5 mins

Melt Time x mins

Total Fourth dimension fifteen mins

Class Main Course

Cuisine Asian, Chinese

Servings 2

Calories 351 kcal


Noodles and Veggies

  • 130 g dry thick rice noodles I used 10mm thick ones
  • Bokchoy or other vegetables of choice like mustard greens spinach, etc. (optional)



  • Place all the sauce ingredients in a bowl. Mix until well incorporated. Prepare aside.

  • Annotation: information technology's important that you accept the sauce ready before cooking the noodles since you'll desire to immediately add together in the freshly cooked noodles to the sauce right afterward cooking.

Noodles and Veg

  • Heat a small pot with water. Once information technology boils, add in the veggies (if using). Cook until tender. Set aside.

  • In the aforementioned pot, cook the noodles until chewy.

  • The noodles volition turn into a solid white colour when fix. All-time to try it as well to see if it's cooked plenty to your liking! I prefer mine really chewy.

  • Remove from the pot and and then drain out the water.

  • Immediately transfer the noodles to the sauce.

To Serve

  • Mix the noodles well to coat evenly. Experience costless to add soy sauce and chili sauce, if y'all'd like, to taste.

  • Elevation with the chopped scallion and the blanched veggies (if using).

  • Bask and slurp away!


Chinese Sesame Paste

  • Chinese sesame paste or roasted sesame paste is made with roasted white sesame seeds giving it that nice lite-brown colour and has a more robust flavour. Meanwhile, tahini is made with raw white sesame seeds, that take a nuttier flavour. I wouldn't recommend using tahini for this recipe as it can completely overpower the sauce. See a unproblematic substitute below!

Substitute for the Chinese Sesame Paste

  • 1/two tbsp toasted sesame seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp plain peanut butter
  • 1 tsp toasted sesame oil

What to do:

  • Grind the toasted sesame seeds with a mortar and pestle until crushed earlier mixing in the peanut butter and sesame oil until smooth.


Serving: ane serving | Calories: 351 kcal | Carbohydrates: 70 g | Protein: 4 one thousand | Fatty: v grand | Saturated Fat: ane k | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2 thou | Monounsaturated Fat: ii g | Cholesterol: 1 mg | Sodium: 381 mg | Potassium: 106 mg | Fiber: ii g | Sugar: 10 g | Vitamin A: 6 IU | Vitamin C: i mg | Calcium: 51 mg | Iron: ane mg

DID YOU MAKE THIS RECIPE? Please leave a rating or comment and share a photograph on Instagram, and tag me @thefoodietakesflight or utilise #thefoodietakesflight 🙂

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This Post Has ix Comments

  1. Tina

    5 stars
    Wow! I always dearest seeing your creations on IG, only this one spoke to me equally a one-pot-wonder! Had most of the ingredients on hand (added Chili flakes) & fetched some collard greens & snap peas since my local store was out of bok choy. Succulent!!! Volition admittedly make this dish again! Thank you!!!

    1. Jeeca

      Howdy Tina, thank you so much for your feedback! I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed these!

  2. andrea

    Hi! Tin can I use Tahini hither? Is it the same?

    1. Jeeca

      Hi Andrea! I'm afraid non. Chinese sesame paste is fabricated with roasted white sesame seeds then information technology has that nice light-brown color and has a more robust flavour. Meanwhile, tahini is made with raw white sesame seeds, that have a nuttier flavor. I wouldn't recommend using tahini for this recipe as it can completely overpower the sauce. I included a substitute in the notes of my recipe that you can check out. Hope it helps!

  3. Caro

    5 stars
    Chewy, succulent and very filling.

    1. Jeeca

      Thanks so much Caro ◡̈ really appreciate it!

    2. Nora

      5 stars
      This was super tasty! I added a chip of chili oil to advertising some oestrus in mine, only it was super good!

      1. Jeeca

        Chili oil is always a great addition👌🏻

  4. Amanda

    This was really tasty and easy to make. Cheers for the not bad recipe!


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