
11 Reasons to Use Indian Almond Leaves in Your Aquarium

Has someone ever told you to use Indian Almond leaves in your aquarium? Were you surprised to learn that a tiny office of a tree grown hundreds of miles away could do good your fish?

Well, the Indian Almond is no ordinary tree, and its leaves are far more than than just decorative. If you have not used them in your aquarium earlier, then it is fourth dimension to requite them a shot. Not only exercise they provide an attractive, natural look to your aquarium, only they also provide benign tannins.

But start, let's take a wait at what they are, and why they offer benefits to your fish.

What Are Indian Almond Leaves?

2 dried Indian Almond Leaves

Indian almond leaves come up from the Terminalia catappa tree, which is an evergreen species that grows in tropical areas. That includes Southern India, Sri Lanka, and other parts of Southeast Asia, to be verbal. Information technology is likewise known as the "Toothbrush Tree," considering the foliage skeleton is very tough and gristly like a toothbrush.

These copse can reach up to heights of 50 feet (near 15 meters), and they more often than not bloom in the summer months. Flowers grow on long stalks and are white in color. Their seed pods grow to be about four inches (10 cm) long, and they contain a hard shell with two almond-shaped seeds inside. These seeds look very much like coffee beans when roasted, only they can also exist eaten raw or boiled earlier roasting.

11 Reasons to Use Indian Almond Leaves in Your Aquarium

Now that you have a better thought of what catappa leaves are, let's accept a look at some of the benefits they offer for your aquarium. They have been immensely popular among aquarium hobbyists for many years, and in that location are many reasons why!

Without farther ado, here are eleven reasons to apply them in your aquarium:

They Create A Natural Habitat

One of the best reasons to use them in your aquarium is simply considering they await good. Their color and texture lend a natural feel to your tank, and they can exist used in a wide variety of means. Scatter them on the flooring of your tank to form a leaf litter substrate, or attach them to driftwood or rocks with angling line to create hiding spots for your fish.

By using these leaves to replicate a natural environs for your pets, yous tin can bring out their natural behaviors. That includes exploration, hunting for food, and convenance. Ultimately, this keeps them happier and healthier.

They Assistance With Fungal Infections (Furunculosis)

One of the most common bug in aquariums is furunculosis. This generic blazon of fungal infection can present itself in many ways, including pop-eye, dropsy, scarlet streaks on fins or trunk, and white spots on fins or body. If left untreated, this illness can spread very quickly throughout your tank and somewhen kill off your fish.

fungus on a fish
Image Source: world wide

The skilful news is that furunculosis can be treated with antibiotics. The bad news is that these antibiotics come with a laundry list of side effects, including damage to your biological filtration and stress to your tank inhabitants

Fortunately, catappa leaves offering a natural alternative treatment for this affliction. They contain antifungal backdrop courtesy of their high tannin content, so when y'all put them in your aquarium, they can help with the treatment of furunculosis.

They Contain Natural Tannins

Catappa leaves lend a distinctive dark-brown colour to the water in your aquarium. This is due to their loftier level of tannins, which has a pigment that absorbs calorie-free, making information technology appear as though they accept absorbed the brown color from the water effectually them.

This property can be benign to fishkeepers because tannic acids also bind to nitrogen compounds in the h2o. By binding these compounds to tannic acids, they become nontoxic and are filtered out of the tank via your filter or past the plants before they can crusade any impairment.

Good for you amounts of tannins can also increase the stability of your pH levels. In a healthy aquarium, yous should run across a range betwixt 6 and 8 for both your pH. When this level is maintained, it ensures that your pets have a steady habitat to live in.

They Control H2o Hardness

These miracle workers also take a natural ability to lower h2o hardness. Soft water refers to h2o with a low mineral content, while hard water is total of minerals like calcium and magnesium.

Different fish prefer unlike levels of toxicity, hardness, and pH, but catappas are particularly beneficial for the wide variety of species that prefer soft water. By binding to magnesium and calcium in your tank h2o, theycan help go along the hardness of your water low.

Therefore, this leaf species can be especially beneficial in tanks housing bettas, dwarf cichlids (particularly Apistogramma and Microgeophagus ramirezi), and about scaleless catfish similar Corydoras and Otocinclus.

They Have Medicinal Properties

Many people are wary about using chemic-based medication for fish. Because commercial products are made in laboratories, there is little understanding of how these products react with the natural environment. Catappa leaves provide a natural remedy for many of the mutual affliction that afflict aquatic pets.

These specimen comprise tannic acids that human activity as an clarified and anti-inflammatory for aquatic animals. This means they tin aid treat wounds without causing any damage to your biological filter.

Considering they absorb water, they can also help to rehydrate a fish that has been stressed or is suffering from constipation. Although in that location is little scientific evidence for this holding, many hobbyists swear past its effectiveness.

They Are Cost-Constructive

costs Reduction Concept . 3d rendered illustration

Although loftier-quality Indian Almond leaves tin can be costly when purchased at pet stores, y'all tin can grow them at home. This tin be a great money saver if you have a large aquarium and demand to use them often.

To grow this establish, y'all will need to purchase the seeds of the Terminalia catappa tree. Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours earlier planting them, and place them virtually a window where they will receive sunlight or nether a grow lamp.

You can harvest your leaves when they are large plenty to use past cutting the stalk just above the leaf node with a pair of scissors. Be conscientious non to go overboard, equally they tin can cause your water to become too acidic. If you detect yourself in this situation, but conduct a fractional water change to become things dorsum to normal.

They Help Maintain Abiding Water Parameters

Nada is worse for your pet than fluctuating water parameters. Fish are extremely sensitive to changes in their surroundings, and fluctuations can put them under a lot of stress, which in turn makes them more than susceptible to illnesses and infections.

One fashion that you tin can ensure that your water parameters are stable is by using catappa leaves. The tannins they contain bind to many toxic compounds, including ammonia and nitrites. When the tannins combine with these substances, they become insoluble and autumn to the bottom of your tank, which in turn ensures that these wastes will non disrupt your tank'southward chemistry.

Of grade, catappas should be just ane part of a larger strategy for maintaining water quality. You will still demand conduct frequent water changes and monitor your ammonia levels to ensure that you lot are coming together the needs of your pet

They Can Be Used In Betta Fish Breeding

If you want to brood your betta fish, this one'due south for you! Catappa leaves make it piece of cake to simulate a betta fish's natural habitat in your aquarium. In the wild, male bettas stake out a territory and claim it as their ain. This is important because it allows them to build nests of bubbles where females tin eolith fish eggs once they have been successfully fertilized past a male.

In club to create this type of environment, add seven pieces to your aquarium and place them in the area where you think your male betta will claim as its own. Once y'all have done this, your male person betta should begin building bubble nests, which ways that information technology is ready to breed.

In addition, they tin can be used to calm more aggressive betta fish. Some betta enthusiasts have reported that their pets are less likely to be ambitious when they are surrounded by these wondrous little things. You tin attempt placing them in your betta's favorite hangout spot, or incorporate them into its main tank.

They Can Exist Used As Fry Food

Heap of dry complete multi-ingredient flake food for daily feeding of all ornamental fish

Aye – you read right! Catappa leaves can be used as a source of food for your baby fish. These nutritious-packed goodies come with minerals such every bit calcium and iron that tin can be beneficial to your fry. The minerals allows baby fish to develop healthy basic while however feeding them properly.

In add-on, this infrequent nutrient source contains tannins, which are facilitate the assimilation of essential minerals. This tin aid them grow nice and strong, so it's all-time to introduce your baby fish to these miracle workers early.

To utilise them as a food source, just drib 1 medium-sized Indian Almond foliage into your tank and let it bladder until it becomes soft and mushy. In one case this happens, it will become soft and easily chewed by immature fish fry.

They Meliorate The Color Of Shrimp

If your shrimp are looking lackluster, you lot can try feeding them these leaves to help improve their color. The high iron content helps the shrimp develop a more than vibrant red coloration. For example, shrimp that are naturally orange in colour might take on a more intense cherry-red hue.

In addition, they provide your shrimp with high levels of calcium that tin can help them develop stronger exoskeletons. Every bit a result, their shells will not exist equally prone to harm and other diseases such as Red Spot Syndrome. Shrimp that are fed catappas also become healthier and stronger as a result of their improved diet. This makes them far less likely to fall prey to ich and other mutual shrimp ailments.

When feeding them to your shrimp, remove the foliage skeleton and then either float or bury the leaf in your tank. Be careful not to overwhelm your shrimp'southward digestive organisation and introduce as well many at once. They may too make your shrimp sluggish, and so information technology'southward best to feed them ane or 2 pieces per calendar week.

They Can Be Used Every bit Leaner-Digesting Agents

Tannins are known for their ability to bind with proteins, which is why they are used in tanning leather. These microscopic compounds cause leaner to dodder together, effectively preventing it from multiplying and growing out of control.

microscopic view of Vibrio bacteria

As a event, the catappa can be used every bit powerful bactericides that will non merely treat low-grade infections in your fish, only will help forestall unwanted algae growth in your aquarium. Once they have done their job by binding to the bacteria, they will sink to the bottom of your aquarium and decompose.

At this bespeak, your aquarium h2o volition then absorb the tannins that are stuck to the bacteria, effectively removing them from your aquarium. Due to this bacteriostatic consequence that takes identify, it is best not to remove them until they have fully decomposed.

How To Use Indian Almond Leaves In Your Tank

Accept we convinced you to bring these little wonders into your tank nonetheless? Given the many benefits that they provide, information technology'southward no wonder that we've managed to convince you! Withal, nosotros understand that you may yet be a little hesitant to add together them into your tank.

If y'all're even so not sure how and when to employ these plants in your aquarium, here'south a step-by-step guide on using them:

Step 1: Start with Fresh Pieces or An Excerpt

Just similar whatsoever other institute or food source, Catappas are no unlike when it comes to bug concerning freshness. Any leafage that has already started to decay will non be beneficial in your tank. To avoid introducing decomposing specimen into your aquarium, brand certain y'all only use fresh or wind-fallen ones when feeding your fish or shrimp.

If decimating a fresh leafage is something yous're not willing to do, feel complimentary to apply Indian Almond leaf extract instead! These can be bought at any pet shop and can be used to treat your leaner outbreaks without having to harm the surround. Plus, information technology's cheaper than buying actual leaves.

Step 2: Utilise An Appropriate Amount

It is important to use these potent plant species accordingly. If you introduce too many they will sink to the lesser and decay all at once. This will cause an ammonia spike as the decaying leaves release nitrogen into your aquarium water.

Every 10 gallons of water should just contain one or two pieces . This should slowly lower the overall nitrogen levels in your aquarium over fourth dimension. As a consequence, your water will exist safe for fish and shrimp to live in. However, you lot should still monitor changes in ammonia levels when using them to ensure that they are existence used safely.

measuring cup on a table

If you have extras available, shop them in an closed handbag and place them inside your refrigerator for up to a calendar month. You can as well freeze them for employ at a after time.

Pace 3: Consider Using A Mixture Of Species

Although Indian Almond leaves volition practice a great job as a bacteriostatic amanuensis on their own, you lot can heave their antibacterial properties by mixing them with other plant extracts.

When combined with an extract from Crinum or Peace Lily, you will see even improve results when treating your fish and shrimp for bacterial infections.

You can as well create a mix of oak and beech leaves. By doing this, you will not only increment the antibacterial effect, but volition too benefit from tannin leaching as they slowly decompose.

Step 4: Clean The Leaves

No thing what combination of leaves yous opt for, know that most of them are foraged from the wild where they are exposed to pesticides, possible fertilizers, and various other chemicals. As a result, information technology's best to subject them to a hygienic cleaning process earlier feeding them to your fish or shrimp in club to keep these creatures safety.

To make clean the catappas have nerveless, merely soak them in fresh h2o for about 30 minutes to remove any chemical residues. If y'all plan on using them for a while, make sure you modify the water every few days or as needed.

Whatever you do, do not identify them in boiling water! This will not only impale any beneficial bacteria, but volition also break down the tannins, reducing their antibacterial properties.

Step v: Add together Them To Your Aquarium

At present that your Catappa leaves have been thoroughly cleaned and dried, it's fourth dimension to add them to your aquarium!

fresh and dried Indian-almond leave

It is likewise important to consider the size of your tank when feeding the leaves to your fish or shrimp. If yous have a small-scale aquarium, yous are better off cutting a large leaf smaller pieces. This will permit for even decomposition while besides ensuring that all fragments have a chance to sink downwards to the lesser of your tank before being completely decomposed.

Another option is to place them in a mesh handbag and permit them slowly decompose on their own. If you lot cull this choice, make sure you movement them around regularly so they break down evenly. This will speed upwardly the rot process and prevent any undecomposed portions from accumulating in 1 expanse of your tank.


Are There Other Types Of Leaves We Could Use?

Yes! If yous cannot find Indian Almond leaves at your local fish store, don't fret. You can use other institute species besides. Here's a quick list of alternatives you could consider:

  • Oak
  • Amaranth
  • Beech
  • Guava

These options are not equally readily bachelor, but information technology never hurts to ask your local fish store if they can society them for you. They differ slightly in advent, but they offer the same tannins.

Are They Skillful For All Fish?

These leaves are an fantabulous choice for both fish and shrimp. However, species that prefer hard water might not enjoy the softer water that results from tannin leaching.

For optimal health, it is best to monitor ammonia and nitrite levels besides equally pH. If your pets show any signs of distress, a solid water change should aid them return to their normal selves.

Exercise Indian Almond Leaves Lower pH?

The pH Scale mini infographic

Yes, they do lower pH levels. They release tannins into the water which act every bit a natural acidification agent. Even so, you will need to use larger amounts (twenty or more) in gild to see any significant effects on your aquarium's pH level.

If you find that your fish are getting stressed due to your aquarium'south depression pH levels, you can always endeavour raising the pH level by adding marine salt mix.

How Do I Put My Leaf On My Betta?

There is a popular misconception that these leaves tin be used ON fish. In reality, they should never exist placed straight on a betta's trunk or fins.

This is considering the effects of tannin leaching can cause harm to your betta. Instead, you should identify these leaves in an aquarium plant handbasket and permit them to slowly decompose from the inside out.

When Should I Remove Them?

The all-time time to remove your leaf is after they are completely decomposed. For shrimp keepers, this volition exist after around one month. For fish keepers, it may take upward to 3 months for it to break downward completely.

An important matter to remember is that you should never remove your leaf until in that location are no longer any tannins coming out of them. If you remove them too early, they may crusade your water to plough cloudy with tannins and inflict stress upon your pets.


We hope this article taught you everything you lot need to know about Indian Almond leaves and why you should utilize them! They offering many benefits to the health of your pets by reducing stress and lowering pH levels. Over time, they volition ensure proper tannin leaching in your tank.

For more information on how you can employ catappas in your aquarium, experience free to get out a comment beneath! And if you know someone who might do good from this commodity, practice share it with them! Your support ways the world to us.

Thanks again for reading, and happy fishkeeping!


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